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Interfax News Agency


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  • The Interfax News Agency, quoting unidentified medical sources, says at least 10 people were killed.

    At least 35 killed in suicide blast at Moscow airport 2011

  • "The world community will see all additional sanctions against Iran as an instrument of regime change in Tehran," Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov told the Interfax News Agency.

    A Blow to Obama's Russia 'Reset' James Kirchick 2011

  • A top adviser to the Russian president firing back, quoted by Interfax News Agency as saying, "The question is, who is shaping the U.S. foreign policy, the president or respected members of his team?"

    CNN Transcript Jul 27, 2009 2009

  • Interfax News Agency as saying, "The question is; who is shaping the US foreign policy, the president or respectable members of his team?"

    Introducing The Hardline���A Blunt Biden Upsets Moscow 2009

  • Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, also being quoted by the state Interfax News Agency here in Russia, said that the international community must stop turning a blind eye to the massive arms procurement that are being made by the Georgian state.

    CNN Transcript Aug 8, 2008 2008

  • Now what those military vehicles are doing that earlier were reported on their way to Tbilisi, we can definitely tell you that the Russian general staff very quickly denying that, through Interfax News Agency, saying they are not on their way to Tbilisi.

    CNN Transcript Aug 13, 2008 2008

  • The Interfax News Agency is reporting that a key witness in the case of former poisoned spy Alexander Litvinenko is in critical condition.

    CNN Transcript Dec 7, 2006 2006

  • But the Interfax News Agency says Russia denies the allegations.

    CNN Transcript Mar 25, 2006 2006

  • But the Interfax News Agency is now reporting that Dimitri Kovtun who was a contact of Litvinenko's apparently is in critical condition in a hospital and they say it is from radiation poisoning.

    CNN Transcript Dec 7, 2006 2006

  • Russia's Interfax News Agency is quoting human rights monitors who say hundreds of anti-government demonstrators have been killed by soldiers in the eastern city of Andijan.

    CNN Transcript May 14, 2005 2005


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